It's no secret that modern women in their 30s and 50s want to look younger than their age. What to do when respect for facial skin no longer helps in the fight against age-related changes? If you do not agree to just give up and accept the inevitable, let's find out together how facial rejuvenation can be done.
Classification of rejuvenation methods
Today, in practical cosmetology, there are three main methods of facial rejuvenation:
- injection methods, including fractional rejuvenation;
- Hardware aesthetics for rejuvenation:
- cosmetics.
Anti-aging injections are well known for their visible effectiveness, which can be noticed immediately after the first session. Therefore, such facial rejuvenation after the age of 40 is very common.
These methods are based on the introduction of special preparations under the skin. The most commonly used products are hyaluronic acid, which is a natural component of our skin and is responsible for its firmness and elasticity. The youthful-prolonging injection process ensures non-surgical facial rejuvenation with long-lasting results.

The injection process, which allows for a prolongation of youth, ensures long-term maintenance of the achieved effect, so patients can be sure that their skin will not lose its attractive appearance for a long time.
It is important to remember that all injections for facial rejuvenation must be performed strictly under the conditions of a cosmetic medicine clinic by highly trained and knowledgeable experienced doctors. theory and good practice in the field of facial anatomy.
Types and features of injections correcting age-related changes
The most common procedures typical for injectable rejuvenation are intermediate therapy, botox, and contour plasticizers.
During mesotherapy, bioactive substances rich in vitamins and amino acids, as well as stimulants and anti-inflammatory drugs, are injected into the skin to a depth of 0. 5 to 6 mm.
If performed correctly, fractional rejuvenation leads to aseptic inflammation, stimulates the production of hormones and growth factors, and activates the active synthesis of the structural components of the skin. Thus, fractional rejuvenation increases skin firmness and elasticity, improves hydration, blood supply, in fact, brings about positive changes in appearance and tightening.
Mesotherapy may be helpful in your 30s or 50s.
Botox injections or Dysport injections are globally recognized anti-wrinkle treatments, an effective way to rejuvenate the face by normalizing facial muscle tension. These drugs allow you to look young and attractive without resorting to plastic surgeons. Their use is allowed in more than 58 countries around the world.

Dysport/Botox are products based on botulinum toxin type A, purified and bound by albumin, when injected into the muscle it immobilizes. The motor activity of the muscle fibers is gradually weakened leading to the smoothing of small and deep wrinkles, making the skin surface smooth.
The use of this method of injection is absolutely safe since the dose of the injectable agent is minimal. In addition, it is completely eliminated from the body in a few days. In general, when used in normal doses, Botox does not affect facial expression. It has been proven that unwanted side effects occur only due to unprofessional injection.
If the drug is not used correctly, the following complications will arise:
- asymmetry of the face,
- drooping eyebrows and corners of eyes,
- an expression of astonishment froze.
Please note that regardless of the qualifications of the specialist performing the procedure, there is an individual risk of intolerance.
In addition, for a long-term effect, it is necessary to perform a course of 3-4 courses with a time interval of 4 to 8 months.
The method is acceptable for patients aged 18 to 65 years, but is generally recommended from 25 or 30 years, in the condition that at this age biological aging begins in the human body.
Plastic border
The term "contouring" unifies several injectable procedures, in which special fillers are injected into the skin, allowing the damaged contour to be flattened, as well as providing additional volume to the tissues.

The following gels are used for contouring injections:
- collagen substance;
- based on hyaluronic acid;
- combine.
The choice of a particular drug by the doctor depends on the goals pursued by the client.
Contour correction has been used successfully for the following issues:
- age-related skin changes in the form of wrinkles;
- loss of volume in the middle and lower part of the face;
- scar;
- the need to correct the contour and shape of the lips;
- needs to model cheekbones, chin, cheeks, nose, ears.
Currently, contouring aesthetics is considered the leading direction in the field of non-surgical facial rejuvenation due to the obvious effect that occurs immediately after the injection.
Contraindications to rejuvenation injection methods
Anti-aging injection procedures have a number of contraindications:
- During pregnancy and lactation;
- acute infectious and viral diseases;
- damage of the central nervous system, including epilepsy;
- Pathological inflammatory processes of the skin at the injection site.
Hardware aesthetics - the queen of non-surgical facial rejuvenation
If you are afraid of injections, you should be interested in other non-surgical facial rejuvenation technologies. Hardware aesthetics is considered the most painless technique with the least health risks. It is easy to guess that such rejuvenation is based on the use of special equipment.

Hardware facial rejuvenation is a combined procedure that uses radiofrequency bands of electricity and light. This technique is characterized by the absence of side effects and contraindications. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, the devices used for this type of procedure have a pronounced therapeutic effect and help to solve many problems of the facial skin. Hardware facial rejuvenation is not only an advanced technology, but it is a complex of cosmetic manipulations, a rather complex mechanism.
Laser rejuvenation
The essence of the fractional laser facial rejuvenation procedure is that the upper layer of cells that lose elasticity is burned, living cells begin to increase collagen production and elasticity. Therefore, fractional laser facial rejuvenation is a traumatic procedure that requires preliminary preparation and careful skin care afterward.
This procedure is called fractional laser facial rejuvenation, because the laser action is not performed on the entire surface of the skin but on individual areas. The results allow you to rejuvenate your facial skin with lasers:
- disappearance of small wrinkles;
- remove acne scars;
- improved contours.
Rejuvenating Elos
Hardware rejuvenation based on Elos technology today has a large number of admirers among professionals from the beauty world and their clients. In the Elos rejuvenation procedure, impact on the deep layers of the skin is carried out without violating the integrity of the dermis.
Elos therapy helps to make the skin clean and smooth, eliminating age spots, spider veins and wrinkles.
The safety of Elos technology is explained by the following factors:
- the creation of the device by the Israeli company Syneron Medical is based on many years of clinical research on the properties of the skin;
- Elos uses an efficient epidermal cooling system.
Enhance bioenergy
Among the unique techniques that can rejuvenate the face after 60 years without surgery, it is worth noting the author's development. Doctors' scientific research in this area is mentioned in specialized documents, often discussed in seminars and scientific conferences. Her rich practical experience in research work, including in biology, ecology, and medical biology, is directly reflected in her author's program to improve facial appearance.
In essence, this program is based on the recognition and acceptance of one's appearance with all its shortcomings and problems. Bioenergetic lifting is essentially meditative, with some similarities to yoga. Daily psychological training sessions activate the self-healing and rejuvenating mechanisms of the entire body using the power of thought. In the process of doing so, an ideal image of her appearance is formed in a woman's subconscious, and this is subsequently achieved.
According to the founder of biological theory, the rejuvenation of the body is directly dependent on the environment. To effectively combat the signs of aging, you just need to minimize the impact of these negative environmental factors.
Facial rejuvenation consists of two stages. The purpose of the first stage is to restore youthfulness to the face. Thanks to the second stage, you can keep your face young for many years. At first, study sessions are carried out daily, then it is recommended to repeat them according to the program - every three months, and also as needed.
Facial rejuvenation treatment allows you to smooth wrinkles, smooth uneven skin tone, and fix facial muscles and skin in a smooth state.
Cosmetic techniques to prolong the youthfulness of the face
Properly selected rejuvenating facial creams and masks can halt and even reverse the aging process of the skin. Facial rejuvenation creams and masks are selected individually, taking into account the age and condition of the skin.
You can use both commercial cosmetics and homemade masks. Homemade masks with honey are especially popular. Honey mask effectively nourishes and moisturizes. You can apply a mask with honey at the age of 30, younger because home cosmetics with honey help keep the face youthful. But even at the age of 50, a mask with honey will work. Such home treatments with honey will stimulate cell regeneration.
Essential oils can be added to make homemade cosmetics more effective. After the procedure, a cream must be applied to the face.
The effectiveness of this technique is greatly increased by facial rejuvenation massage.
Anti-aging fitness and massage
Unfortunately, acupressure massage for facial rejuvenation is not the most popular and trendy rejuvenation procedure. However, this safe and affordable method really allows you to prolong your youth by 7-10 years. You can massage with honey or apply essential oils.
Aesthetic facial acupressure improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism and strengthens facial muscles, and essential oils enhance the effect.
Acupressure works by activating certain points on the face to rejuvenate the skin. Acupressure massage can be applied to both 30s and 50s.
Classic aesthetic massage
It is indicated for aging, dehydrated skin. The basic techniques of classical facial massage:
- degeneration;
- tingling;
- caress the face.
During the implementation, cosmetic cream is used (must have fat-burning cream), massage and essential oils. Essential oils are chosen depending on the tasks to be solved. Some beauticians recommend a massage with honey.
To achieve visible results, you need 6-12 classic facial massage sessions lasting 40 minutes.
Plastic massage
Owners of oily skin, melasma, edema and facial wrinkles should stop at plastic massage.
The essence of flexible facial massage is to create strong, rhythmic pressure, in fact, acupressure massage.
To achieve a noticeable effect, regular acupressure is required, the duration of which is from 5 to 10 sessions lasting 30 minutes. In addition, they use essential oils, creams, and sometimes acupressure with honey.
Massage Jacquet
Jacquet's facial massage is indicated for women with oily, seborrheic skin and a variety of rashes. Jacquet massage sessions are recommended in conjunction with the darsonvalization test. This massage usually consists of 5 sessions lasting 30 minutes.
Aesthetic reflexology and classical facial massage are most often performed in beauty salons, if you wish, you can master the technique of self-massage.
Facial fitness for rejuvenation
Most women would benefit from exercise for facial rejuvenation. It is important to remember that facial rejuvenation exercises only bring results with a positive and consistent attitude. Such at-home facial rejuvenation can be applied to both 30s and 50s.

Before performing cosmetic exercises, you must wash your hands and clean your skin so that your skin can breathe and sweat out. All exercises for facial rejuvenation are performed in a sitting position, the optimal number of repetitions is at least 10. After completing the exercise, a suitable cream is applied to the skin. Ice cream is selected individually. Obviously at 30 you need one cream and at 50 you need another.
There are many methods of facial gymnastics, but the most effective are Japanese Shiatsu and self-lifting systems. Yoga is also very popular for facial rejuvenation. According to reviews, facial rejuvenation, if you use these methods, will happen within ten weeks. Facial skin becomes at least 10 years younger.
Whatever path you choose to reach youth and beauty, let it succeed. Have fun and smile!